and where heaven begins. I made some mistakes,
I have some regrets, but don't worry. I did
not die in vain. I lived life to see things through,
and my love for you was always true. Each
day of my life, I asked God to take care of you.
Come closer so you can hear. It’s true, I
said some things that I didn’t mean, and hurt
some people who were my friends. But I
spent everyday afterwards paying for my sins,
and giving you everything that I took. I
didn’t waste a single day, I wrote everything
in this book. It is yours to keep, to read
at night, before you sleep…
You should know that in
my final hour, I took some blows, but I
did manage to throw some back. I died on my
way to getting back up, and not checked on
the ground, or lying on my back. For now this
is how things must be, until God calls you
home, and then you'll be here with me… A
world called heavenly...