Welcome students and colleagues, friends and family, if you have made it this far, I encourage you to stay a bit longer and read about some of my work. The writings reflect many of the thoughts that I carry with me throughout the course of a day, evening, and often times, the dreams that take hold of me while I sleep. The verses represent the inner voice in me that speaks of the past, the present, and the future. Writing is my ultimate form of expression that allows me to reflect, inspire, get well, and grow. The energy that feeds my work, I pull from themes that correspond to Mesoamerica, my ancestral place of birth, and the area I study. References to symbols of the past, deities, and natural phenomenon, dominate certain pieces, and blend with current verses of life, love, and death. I have never taken a writing class... the only "style" that exhibits my work is the one that I create from my imagination, heart, and dreams.

I’m an avid builder and horticulturalist, and so I spend a lot of my time building things and growing different types of herbs and plant food. I do not identify as an artist nor do I make art for aesthetic purposes; my work solely materializes a ritual-ceremonial or utilitarian function. The craft of working with wood I learned from my father, by watching him design and build homes throughout much of my adolescent youth. I also learned how to work with stone by watching my uncles construct brick and rock landscapes, in the wealthy neighborhoods were they labored during much of the 1980s, when construction was booming. My paternal grandpa Juan was also a craftsman, hence why all his sons became builders of some sort, and so building has always been an integral part of my family’s trade history. I learned about plant cultivation from my abuelita Mercedes on my paternal side and my abuelito Severo on my maternal side. Much of the landscaping strategies that I learned from my grandparents came with them from Mexico when they migrated to Alta California, in the early 1960s, along with my parents. A lot of the building and planting strategies that my family has implored have been in use for over 3,000 years. It is my purpose to revitalize and sustain these ancestral practices through ceremony, household building, and plant cultivation.

My fascination with building and growing food is not only familial, but also physical-skeletal (see my Physical Anthropology 101 blog), and because so, I have an admiration for the morphology of the human hand. The hand is unlike any part of the body, and because we use our hands every day, we literally take them for granted, sometimes failing to notice their full potential use. Our hands are our first weapons of choice in an attack, yet they are the first part of the body that we extend when helping or consoling someone. With our hands, we build shelter, writer letters, prepare food, and unknowingly, make love. Our hand-digit coordination is unique because it is precise, well adapted for creating, and for using and making tools. Hand-digit use coordination has been a part of our human evolutionary past since we inhabited arboreal environments, way before we developed bipedalism. When combined with tool use, the creative use of the hands has the capability of decolonizing our minds and bodies.

My inquiry into the relationship between hand-bone morphology usage and social behavior remains in the early stages. Nonetheless, some preliminary findings I modeled in a recent paper where I discuss the role of the hands, and early human tool making, in the creation of spatial wellness. The paper is published in Vol. 3 No. 4 of the International Journal of Development and Sustainability.

Bastante la distancia

Ah sí pues es bastante la distancia y sin acostumbrase uno mas difícil.  Date un tiempo no… Y con el fuego tus ideas serán escritas en papel, como un ave volando.

Un espacio libre

Salud para mi familia y un espacio libre donde pueda dar mis lecturas – al momento Rio Hondo…

Solo deseo lluvia

Solo deseo lluvia
Tormentones tan grandiosos
Que ni la tierra podrá suportarlos
Así podre empezar de nuevo
Sin tener duda…

Las Matas

Las matas también se merecen el sol…
¿Sin ellas quien nos pica? Una flor no duele.
Déjenlas vivir!

Hand it to the wind

Just hand it to the wind and see what happens - Cueponcaxochitl

El Codex Astral

En la última etapa
Volaríamos sobre una célula
Seria el verso final
Persiguiendo un destino astral

Consumiendo me en un libro
Para poder explicar

Respiraría tu aire una vez más
Sin tener que recordar
Los fragmentos de tu despedida
Y volver a empezar

Viviendo en un sueño
Creyendo en la eternidad

Es fácil escribir lo que fue el mar
Duro cuando lo platico
Y más duro haberlo vivido
Si quisiera olvidar

Por eso es que guardo lo mejor
Para el final

Nunca llegasteis esa noche
Y me quede pensando
En donde volaras
Si en verdad chocaste felicidad
El amor y la paz
Que al fin no te pude dar

Me sorprende tu escondida
Mas tu sobrevivir

Quisiera darte fortaleza
Para llegar a un terminado feliz
Por fin una vez más
Darte un poco de compañía
Sin haber lo pensar

Persiguiendo un destino astral
Después de tanto tiempo

Hundido en un mar
Creo que no es el fin del mundo
Es más un extremo solar
Que por ciertas razones divinas
Se tienen que grabar

Un codex ilustrado
Cuando La Luna y La Lluvia
Dejaron de hablar

Si pudiera verte una vez más
Te daría el viento
Un último aliento para volar
No lo pensaría
Te daría lo que no fui y más

Los sueños en si los vivimos
A un que hay duda

Calacas que adornaban tu vello
Hoy adornan tu altar
Las últimas memorias de la luna
Las pinto en un mural

Siempre serian ellas acordadas
En El Codex Astral

So little time

I’m sorry I don’ write my brother

I have so much to tell you in so little time

I’m preparing for the afterlife

To be with our comrades and ancestors

Las camas destruyan a uno

Las camas destruyan a uno
Mejor me acomodo asentado
Perdóname hijo

Flowers were for you

I’m so glad you invited
The memory never subsided
So happy of the news
She never forgot about you
Flowers were for you

Even though it was all over

You’ve done great
Have made everything new
Despite all the blue
You’ve always fought through
Even though it hurt

All your dreams came true

We’ll never break away
Always by her side
To have the time of your lives
Best sisters for life
To never ever hurt again

I’m so glad you invited
After all this time

Cuarenta y cinco años

Don Severo tengo cuarenta y cinco años y leo todos los días porque siempre ahí alguien quien sabe mas que uno…

Writing, writing, and more

And more writing
Until we meet again…

1s and some change

The basket use to be full of 5s and 10s
Now there is only 1s and some change

An Olmec in my pocket

Cries in my sleep
Crow on my windshield
An Olmec in my pocket

Omens or something?

If you don't study

You can't be a prophet if you don't study - Angelica Perez

I prefer Halloween



And Toads

Pray for me Renée

I don’t want to die on Christmas Eve

I prefer Halloween

I prefer Halloween

Some about serpents

You didn’t have to leave

All of the arguments were mastered

The writing was finished

You could have waited

They just wanted to ask questions

Some about serpents

Some about science

How it ended, how it all got started

Nothing forgotten

Everything was easy

I had all the answers in my heart

We all waited for you

Since the announcement

We missed you, two tickets wasted

That was the hardest part

I'm Rain

I love this weather…

It’s nice isn’t it?


It’s to fall in love for…

I'll buy you a coffee…


I’m Serpent…

I’m Rain…

Nice too meet you Rain.

Nice too meet you…

A place to call home

Hey we have dreams right!

You want to be a good mother.

And I want to be a writer…

Let’s meet in the middle!

That way we won’t hurt anyone.

It will be just like before…

Everything will be all right!

You’ll have a place to call home.

And ill finally get noticed…

I don't see you anymore

Things are getting harder
And she keeps asking for her dad

I don’t see you anymore
And you never answer your phone

That’s the last thing I remember
The last thing she said before leaving

Writing won’t change things
But it sure makes the day go fast

Be gone now child...

Be gone now child…

Wash thy Serpent off your chest…

For the eyes of Love see all, feel all, and know all.

Mundos extranjeros

Incluso, con el tiempo aprendí ciertas prácticas

físicas que asistieron con el conocimiento

de mundos extranjeros y otras formas de pensar.

Mas que nada, los temas sobre la muerte y

el reino subterráneo me fascinaban. Fue mi pasa

tiempo escribir de esta súper-naturaleza. A

lo largo estas pasiones informarían un acto que

marcaría la llega de un Sol muy esperado.

From the work Skulls, Witches, & Toads

No te va pasar nada

No tengas miedo morir.

No te va pasar nada.

Nos iremos juntos de aquí.

Al reino subterráneo.

Donde no existe el dolor, ni

la memoria del ayer.

Al llegar al interior

seremos juntos otra vez, por

toda la eternidad…

No te va pasar nada.

From the work Skulls, Witches, & Toads

Back from the dead

Someone gathered my bones and sprinkled blood on them

Now I’m put back together again

From the work Skulls, Witches, & Toads

Guardian Protector

We can’t make each other happy.

But we can be each others guardian protector.

There’s no saying no to that…

From the work Skulls, Witches, & Toads

Sick Lullabies

Memories died, and

versus turned into sick lullabies…

Writing took control of me.

Resentment killed me, and I turned

into an evil guy…

From the work Skulls, Witches, & Toads

All is dead - over.

Star Command come in Star command…

Star Command come in Star command…

Can you read me?

Where in the hell are you!

Jupiter do we have a visual?

I repeat do we have a visual DAMMIT!

We have nothing here sir, none at all – over.


Chaos and devastation sir… Dry river beds

and withered roses.

And the remains of some animals.

All is dead – over.

A screenplay maybe? Hmmm....

On Graduate Anthropology

Chicano and Chicana studies, the history of Mexico, I could muster. It came by default and I loved teaching it. But Anthropology presented a challenge, it was hard... Even after formal training, schooling, and exposure, various topics remained incomprehensible and certain scholarly circles proved difficult to tap into. Pressing further meant not only the re-dedication of a familiar work ethic, but the development and implementation of a unique and all encompassing plan, recognizing everyone person involved…

Tuesday, August 9, 2011 6:48am

I love water

I love water


There’s death but there’s also resurrection – Angelica Perez

Heal me Serpent

Heal me Serpent I’m not afraid…

Like Heaven and earth

The grasp of your hand feels like heaven and earth.

And now you shall never be alone.

My wings

The verses I write are my wings.

And they take me to where I want to go.

To the depth of an ocean, or to the

far end of the universe.

Eric Draven

You killed me but I came back with a vengeance...
Like Eric Draven and the Crow.

The Ocean and its sand

The water is plentiful here.

My home forever internal life,

the ocean and its sand.

Not just a drizzle

The winters became longer
and the summers became shorter.

Rain would fall in July.
Not just a drizzle… but a calm storm.

This was new… And I wanted it.
It meant my livelihood…

Rain fall upon us all

Lord Serpent help me understand.

Grant me patience...

Plant seeds once again…

Allow me strength to help them grow…

Shall trust in my garden

all over again... Till my death all over again…

Rain fall upon us all.

From the book The St. Andrew's Cross

Boca bajo

A veces es mejor morir.

Ser encontrado boca bajo en un mar.

A tener que recordar.

De lo que solo fue un mal...

Prefiero hundirme en un mar

Si ya sabes que te perdí.

¿Porque vuelves a preguntar de mi luz?

¿Porque te burlas de mí?

¿Crees que no me duele tu ingratitud?

Prefiero hundirme en

un mar a recordar, borrar el día que te

conocí, y no saber de ti.

¿Que te ganas por saber de lo que me

hace sentir? Y hoy que

ya tienes halas quieres saber de lo que

piensan de ti… pero no

tienes derecho saber de mis amigos, o

de lo que me hace vivir.

Before we go

I want to let you in,

so you can come around. The crazy

things that bring me down

all disappear when you’re around…

You can have our home, its

yours to keep… If there is hope

you will make us complete.

So before we go, I want to let you in,

and show you what I mean.

This is not a dream.

This is the town that only we know,

so lets walk the trials where

only we go, and drink the wine that

only we know… Will be the

best of friends and watch her grow.

Everything that she loves you

can get to know, and help her get to

where she wants to go…

No need to knock, just

come on in. All the things that you

hope for are ready to begin.

This is not a dream, I want to watch

you grow, you’re everything

that I want to know. Here you have

your own space, in a town

where only we glow, a simple place

that only we know…

Like Jack and Sally

We can live like Jack and Sally, if we want...

Where you can always find me.

Will have Halloween on Christmas, and in

the night will wish this never ends,

will wish this never ends... - Blink 182

Crawl back into the shadows

There's no reason to make wrong feel right.

You've already started a new life.

You should've thought better before making them cry.

Before letting things die.

What would you gain from explaining your side?
You should've kept things inside.

Her Love will always be mine…

Peace and happiness doesn't exist when all you create
is chaos and devastation.

The Rain don’t need you.

Bones bones from the depth of the earth can’t be unearthed.

The dead can’t ask the living to pray.

No one cares to know of the jester and his bride,
or what severely aches inside.

Crawl back into the shadows.


Wherever the wind takes us...

Where do you want to go?

Wherever the wind takes us...

The worst place I've been

In my dreams, your voice is pretty.

It’s an ocean that I swim in.

Life is real, and it never comes

to an end. Your arms are

the most peaceful place I’ve been.

Your body it gives,

and you’re my best friend…

But in this life all is dead.

There are no rivers to sing too,

and winds do not whisper your name.

Everything eats from you.

People do not listen.

No such thing as friends, only

maggots, only death of the

face and skin…

This experience,

my life sentence in real, it will

never come to an end.

Not even time will pull me from

the hole I’m in,

despair is my friend.

There is no tomorrow. My eyes

seen the real you,

it’s the worst place I’ve been.