Welcome students and colleagues, friends and family, if you have made it this far, I encourage you to stay a bit longer and read about some of my work. The writings reflect many of the thoughts that I carry with me throughout the course of a day, evening, and often times, the dreams that take hold of me while I sleep. The verses represent the inner voice in me that speaks of the past, the present, and the future. Writing is my ultimate form of expression that allows me to reflect, inspire, get well, and grow. The energy that feeds my work, I pull from themes that correspond to Mesoamerica, my ancestral place of birth, and the area I study. References to symbols of the past, deities, and natural phenomenon, dominate certain pieces, and blend with current verses of life, love, and death. I have never taken a writing class... the only "style" that exhibits my work is the one that I create from my imagination, heart, and dreams.

I’m an avid builder and horticulturalist, and so I spend a lot of my time building things and growing different types of herbs and plant food. I do not identify as an artist nor do I make art for aesthetic purposes; my work solely materializes a ritual-ceremonial or utilitarian function. The craft of working with wood I learned from my father, by watching him design and build homes throughout much of my adolescent youth. I also learned how to work with stone by watching my uncles construct brick and rock landscapes, in the wealthy neighborhoods were they labored during much of the 1980s, when construction was booming. My paternal grandpa Juan was also a craftsman, hence why all his sons became builders of some sort, and so building has always been an integral part of my family’s trade history. I learned about plant cultivation from my abuelita Mercedes on my paternal side and my abuelito Severo on my maternal side. Much of the landscaping strategies that I learned from my grandparents came with them from Mexico when they migrated to Alta California, in the early 1960s, along with my parents. A lot of the building and planting strategies that my family has implored have been in use for over 3,000 years. It is my purpose to revitalize and sustain these ancestral practices through ceremony, household building, and plant cultivation.

My fascination with building and growing food is not only familial, but also physical-skeletal (see my Physical Anthropology 101 blog), and because so, I have an admiration for the morphology of the human hand. The hand is unlike any part of the body, and because we use our hands every day, we literally take them for granted, sometimes failing to notice their full potential use. Our hands are our first weapons of choice in an attack, yet they are the first part of the body that we extend when helping or consoling someone. With our hands, we build shelter, writer letters, prepare food, and unknowingly, make love. Our hand-digit coordination is unique because it is precise, well adapted for creating, and for using and making tools. Hand-digit use coordination has been a part of our human evolutionary past since we inhabited arboreal environments, way before we developed bipedalism. When combined with tool use, the creative use of the hands has the capability of decolonizing our minds and bodies.

My inquiry into the relationship between hand-bone morphology usage and social behavior remains in the early stages. Nonetheless, some preliminary findings I modeled in a recent paper where I discuss the role of the hands, and early human tool making, in the creation of spatial wellness. The paper is published in Vol. 3 No. 4 of the International Journal of Development and Sustainability.

Chard ready for harvest

Chard ready for harvest

Couldn't fly domestic

Quetzalcoatl couldn’t fly domestic, so we had to go international.
In hopes of collaborating overseas, to see if we can push the model across a broad scope of households.

Gravity Powered Grey Water System (Part 1 of 2)

An old barrel was used to store grey water...
Inside of old barrel before cleaning...
Prior to installing water barrel I poured a  2" concrete pad using one bag of quick create...
I used 3/4" PVC (white sprinkler pipe) to make water transfer pipes that would transition between the barrel walls and one 3/4" valve where the grey water would pour out...
I made my own custom rubber washers...
Close-up of water transfer pipe...
Testing how the barrel would fit...
The transition pipes were simplified as I modified and negotiated the use of materials to best fit the application. In this case, I eliminated the "L" shape (see above picture) and went with a straight shot...
I used two washers on both sides of the barrel walls to prevent grey water leakage...
Another view of the barrel...
I used a steel step bit to create the perfect cavity that would facilitate the PVC grey water transition pipe...
Inside of barrel showing two cavities for two water feeds...
I used reclaimed ABS plumbing pipe to connect the barrel to the drains of my bathroom shower and sink...
ABS pipe coming out of the interior foundation wall (rear side of home). On the other side of this foundation wall is the craw space to my house and the area where I tapped into the tub and sink drains.
ABS pipes about to be connected...
ABS pipe leading into grey water barrel...
Ready for barrel placement...
Barrel secured with plumbers tape...

In Part 2, I'll describe how this gravity powered grey water system feeds a vegetable garden in a Mesoamerican inspired terrace landscape.

The reclaiming of building materials

The reclaiming of building materials, La Puente, CA

The manufacture of building materials is responsible for the loss of wildlife habitats, erosion, and water and air pollution (Joseph and Tretsiakova-Nally, 2010:400; Kim, 1998:7; Vatalis et al., 2013:749). What is critical in terms of halting the over-consumption of building materials is the comprehension of the final phase, the “life cycle assessment” (Vatalis et al., 2013), when materials have subsequently deteriorated beyond sufficient use. At this point, the materials are disposed of or recycled into other products. In urban spaces and cities of the San Gabriel Valley, building materials such as wood, stone, paint, metal, PVC, sand, and gravel are abundant resources. As Wu (2010:2) notes, cities are cradles of knowledge production and offer a multitude of products that are important for achieving sustainability. They are often free and routinely pile up on curbsides, in commercial waste bins, and in the discounted sections of home improvement warehouses. Reclaiming of unwanted building materials represents a focal practice of HBS when renovating with a human health and wellness focus.

Realized through time and space, wood and other building materials can be put through a careful process of recycling that includes 1) reclaiming, 2) restoration, and 3) implementation.


What I have earned

I do the best I can, with what I have to work with, to protect what I have earned. And yes that means protecting the both of us sometimes. So if I make a decision, that you don’t like, remember that I was first thinking about our wellbeing, perhaps our safety. Because that’s what a father does.

HBS with stone

Re-claimed building materials 
The making of a garden retain wall
Growing your own leafy greens
Hopi Blue maize terrace
Maize sprouted

WC & Jon B.

Hand-bone morphology and the use of tools

My appreciation for the hand continues to grow... Here is a little something that I wrote regarding hand-bone morphology. But my work does extend beyond the macchair to include the experimentation of wood crafting, and ultimately the making of craft items. So to honor the hand, I made a hand... LOL. All 27 hand bones represented, plus the radius, and the ulna. A gift necklace to Suspiros, made with reclaimed wood and lamp wire.

Hand-bone morphology and the use of tools
In addition to the creation of new construction knowledge while building with reclaimed materials, a great deal of time is spent on refurbishing broken tools and maintaining them. A great primitive love transpires when a builder appreciates the artisanship behind the tools that he/she uses. Making and handling intricate objects with our hands exemplifies a derived physical characteristic of our evolutionary past, where our first Hominin ancestors began to identify objects, build shelters, and make tools. The distal phalanx (finger bones) of the extant Orrorin (6 million years ago [mya]) reveals precision-grasping capabilities (Almecija et al. 2010:9). Homo habilis “handy man” (1.8–2 mya) was subsequently the first toolmaker and user (Leaky 1960). Homo sapiens (< 1 mya–present) represents the only living primates with precision-grip digits that further excel across a broad range of locomotive patterns (Jurmain et al. 2011:46). Unlike the great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas), humans can craw, climb, push, and pull with a vast array of angles with distinct pressures unfamiliar to non-human primates. Hand–bone morphology in the Homo lineage evolved after millennia of prolonged stresses related to tool-making and similar manipulative activities (Marzke 2013:6).